Get started with your bibliography right away with BibMe, which allows you to look up books, magazines, journals, newspapers, websites, and films with the auto-complete search function, powered by WorldCat.
When you've completed your citations, download the file to a word processing program, or create a free account to save your references for later use.
Get BibMe
BibMe: Document resources in APA, MLA, Chicago or Turabian.
To get started, search for books, magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and films you need to cite. Click "Select" to add an item to your bibliography:
Check the accuracy of your citation and click, "Add to my bibliography:"
If you need to make a change to a citation, use the pencil icon to edit it.
Select a citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian) in the right column
Then click "Download" or "Save to Account" to generate the bibliography.
BibMe Video Tutorial
Many thanks to Garrett Trott, a librarian at Corban University, for this beginning video tutorial.
BibMe Benefits
BibMe is a web-based citation management tool that is very easy to use and great for generating a quick bibliography and/or citation.
Since BibMe is web-based, you don't need to download any special software to your computer, and you can easily log in to an optional account to save your references for later use.
Using the Auto-fill input mode, BibMe searches WorldCat and automatically populates the citation metadata for you.