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QUICKSearch is our discovery server which searches books, articles, images, videos and more.
QUICKSearch is available directly from our home page, just enter your search term in the box and click the Search button.
QUICKSearch provides a simple method for refining your searches using facets that appear on the right column of the screen.
QUICKSearch aloows you to limit your results to a spscific format, journal or content provider.
QUICKSearch allows you to export your results .to citation managment software such as EndNote, RefWorks (Flow) and Zotero.
Results are automatically sorted by Relevance, but you may sort them Date Newest or Date Oldest.
Refine your results by using the QUICKSearch facets in the left hand column.
You may choose to limit your search to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, IWU Has it, Online Only, Print Books Only or Print Books and eBooks. IWU Has It limits items both online and in the library that are owned by IWU. Online Only limits your search to items that are available online. If you want a book, then try Print Books Only or Print Books and eBooks.
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