Technical or Critical or Exegetical: Includes very detailed, technical discussion of text. Requires some understanding of the original languages.
International Critical Commentary
Word Biblical Commentary
New International Greek Testament Commentary
Anchor Bible
Sacra Pagina
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Expositional or Essential or Semi-Technical: Includes less technical, but still extensive discussion. Does not rely on readers' understanding of original languages but may refer to original languages.
New International Biblical Commentary
New International Commentary on the New Testament
New International Commentary on the Old Testament
New American Commentary
New Century Bible Commentary
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Homiletical: Intended to aid in sermon preparation. Usually based on an English translation of the Bible.
Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary
Pillar New Testament Commentary
New American Commentary
The Story of God Bible Commentary
Devotional or Applicational: Focuses on the basic meaning of the text and life application.
Life Application Bible Commentary
Holman Commentary
Warren W. Wiersbe Commentaries
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Here are some online commentaries we have access to (click title for access):
Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries
Word Biblical Commentary
The New International Commentary on the New Testament
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament
The New American Commentary
Ancient Christian Commentary
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
Fathers of the Church Commentaries
New Beacon Bible Commentaries
** Don't forget that article databases also provide online access to passage-specific commentary (See the Articles page for Scripture Search instructions)
Commentaries are located in two places:
The general call number ranges for commentaries are: