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Williams Chapel Prayer Journals

Prayers of Praise

Not only what you do, but who you are

Writer 1: Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me.


Writer 2: … and for me as well. It is not only what you do, but who you are that has captured my heart. There is NONE like you.

Thank you for your tender mercies

Father God in heaven I praise you! Thank you for your tender mercies. Praise your Holy name! May we never forget your mighty acts. Thank you for setting the path straight before me. Please provide the strength, patience, love, & passion that will be needed to serve you in this new way. May I be pleasing in your [sight]. 

I love you father!

You are above everything in this world, mighty God



I thank you for being a God who is acquainted with sorrows. You are above everything in this world, mighty God, but You put on flesh, lived with us, and, Jesus, you suffered the pains of life so that now, when we face grief and sorrow, we can know that you understand - that you suffered too – that we can commune with You even in the lowest moments of our lives. My God – my God is acquainted with sorrow!

Father, I honor You as Lord of my life - of every part of my life. In every day, in every situation. I want to act, think, and speak in a way that brings you honor. And, daddy, I’m sorry for the times when my actions and thoughts and words have brought shame to Your Name. You are worthy of a lifestyle of worship from me —> and I want to bring You this. Amen.

In YOU I find my solace, my strength, my peace

June 14, 2008

On days that are difficult, where I really stretch to find my peace in a world of chaos, I come to You, Father. In YOU I find my solace, my strength, my peace, and my joy that I can find nowhere else. You love me so much and I love You so much more than words could ever express.

Speak to me Lord

For your child is here

Waiting on You

Unveil my eyes

Let me see You

Let me know You


Praise God in His sanctuary

Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; Praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise Him for his acts of power, praise him; For his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounds of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymboles, praise him w/ resounding cymboles. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.


Lord, I humbly offer myself to you as an act of praise. Take my weak, [lonely] spirit +

fill it with the everlasting joy + strength only you can offer. Forgive us all for our petty worries +selfish thoughts. May you convict us to the point of laying prostrate before thee. May we understand Your love, grace + mercy.

Praise the Lord!

I love you.

I am in awe of you

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving me a creative mind. I can’t even imagine how you created the heavens and the earth, I am in awe of you. How powerful you are! Keep showing me more about you this week, I yearn for a closer relationship with you.


Your faithful servant

You love me even when I am wrong, you bless me when I am right

April 20th 2002

  • O Lord God you are in heaven and that is why I praise you.

  • You lift up those in need, you magnify the meak, and that is why I praise you.

  • You love me even when I am wrong, you bless me when I am right, and that is why I praise you.

  • You sent your son to die for me, and that is why I praise you.

  • You never give up, your love endures, and that is why I praise you.

  • You are the KING of kings and LORD of lords, alpha and omega, and one who was and is and is to come, and that is why I praise you.

  • Even when I stray you call me back with ever loving, never judging arms and that is why I praise you.

  • You ruin my enemies and lift up the ones I love, and that is why I praise you.

  • You knit me together in my mother’s womb, you know my inmost being, and that is why I praise you.

  • You will crush Satan under your foot, your name will be glorified above all names, and that is why I praise you.

  • You see my sins and forgive them all, and that is why I praise you.

  • You are the author and perfecter of my life, you know what has come and you know what is to come, and that is why I praise you.

What a mighty and awesome God we serve!


Thank you for answered prayers! I give you all the glory and the honor for the things you have done. Continue to work on his heart and mold him with your perfect hands. May he continue to see the light at the end of the tunnel – your light – and be reminded of your everlasting, forgiving, life breathing love. I will continue to praise you all the days of my life. What a mighty and awesome God we serve!

Under one name by which we are saved – your child.

Somehow thank you just doesn't seem like enough

Lord, somehow thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. I feel so blessed, not only for the things you have given me, but for the chance to know you. You have given me this life, Lord, and help me to use it to honor you and you alone. I am nothing without you. But somehow I feel unworthy of you – I keep messing up and living for myself all over again. But you’re always there to pick up the pieces and make me whole again. Why do you love me so much? I cannot comprehend it. Let me never again take one single moment or opportunity for granted.


How good. How awesome. How loving.

There is no one like our God! How good. How awesome. How loving. Who are we that He should love us so much? We have abandoned Him for our silly, selfish desires. And yet, He longs for us. What love! What love that knows no bounds. I love you Lord. Take this life. Use it as You will. I give you everything.

Praise you for being trustworthy


Thank you for suffering, for being familiar with the pain that is happening in our country right now.


Praise you for being trustworthy.


You will keep in perfect peace 

Those whose mind is steadfast,

Who trust in the Lord.


Please glory in the story of my

Life that you wrote.


I love you. I need you more

Than anything.


You are so patient with me

Praise you Lord for you speak to me everytime I come with the same prayer. You are so patient with me!!

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Marion, IN 46953

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4201 S. Washington St.
Marion, IN 46953