I just admitted for the first time out loud and in my heart that I want to go into ministry. I have been suppressing that desire for so long I’ve been to afraid! I still am but I have joy and peace in the middle of that fear.
I am most fearful about my parents reaction. I know I need only you but I have strived for so long to achieve and keep their approval. I realize that that is a stronghold of fear, to require that. I need your help when I tell them.
I love you and I want to dedicate my life to your service. Give me courage. Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the strength to do it anyway.
I am angry that you have asked me to pursue a life harder than the one I had planned. I am afraid you will abandon me or not be pleased because of who I am.
But you made me. You are my rock and my sustainer. I trust you because and in spite of.
All my love,
Your girl
I confess my many sins before you. Though you have called me out of a life of sin and into a life seeking you + loving others, I admit I have not done that. I have let my pride get the best of me; absorbing glory when it belongs to you. I have sought to be like my peers + “fit in” when you have set me apart. I have let lust exist in my mind, anger in my heart. I have been quick to speak and slow to listen. I could rattle off dozens more sins, but you already know them Father, so today, I just ask that you renew my heart. Help me to sin no more. Help me to run right after you.
In your powerful name, amen.
I repent the sins I've committed to my brothers & sisters unknowingly
I repent the sins I’ve committed to my brothers & sisters unknowingly. Holy Spirit, guide me to be led by you for all of my relationships & give me discernment to guide my walk in this area of my life.
I do what I do not want
I need you. I do what I do not want. Help me to accept forgiveness and also be changed into a new person for your glory.
I ask for more than forgiveness
I have heard the “self-control” message AGAIN today. I have struggled with this for several years. That’s a lot of confessing! I know that you have forgiven me each time - - knowing full-well that I’ll fall again. Now, I ask for more than forgiveness. Take this sin of mine and release it! Show me in your word how to rid me of it. I know you shall not fail me. You control the universe, and that’s why I love and appreciate you.
Your son
I am sick of the worry and stress
I want to have a legacy but not a fleshly one. I don’t want to please people or try to live up to everybody else’s expectations. I am sick of the worry and stress that it brings. My legacy will be to advance your Kingdom and please you!
Sometimes I feel like a "worn out" Christian
Lord Jesus,
Is it okay to feel stale sometimes? Like old bread, sometimes I feel like a “worn out” Christian. Stale, stuck, unable to go forward in my faith. It may be because of sin – that still seems to cling on to me even after I let it go for a while. Come to think of it, I don’t try my hardest. I don’t pray and read my Bible everyday like I should. Please forgive me, Lord. I don’t mean to put you on the “backburner.” I am a bit stressed right now. Please help me get through finals week. Today was great. Thank you so much for today. Amen.
Forgive me for putting other relationships before you
Forgive me for putting other relationships before you. I ask that you would strengthen and comfort me as I live without the relationship that distracted me from you. Although I learned a lot about you while in the relationship, I thank you in advance for what I will learn in this time of separation.
With love,
Your heartbroken
I am struggling with some of the things in the Old Testament and don't see your loving nature
God, sometimes I struggle to see your goodness. I am struggling with some of the things in the Old Testament and don't see your loving nature. Sometimes it feels the opposite of living. I want to see in you what so many others see, and it makes it hard to know following you is right. Well, I knew it in my head, but right now I don’t know if I know it in my heart. Reveal your love and compassion to me in the midst of the evil I read and see. Let me be someone who can help others who are struggling like I am now one that is illuminated for me.
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