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Williams Chapel Prayer Journals

Prayers of Proclamation

Now we live for the glory of God

“King of love you called my name. You gave me life although the shame had covered me, now here I stand. I am saved by grace.

Father God, you heard my prayer from deep within my spirit cries if there’s a god come rescue me. Now here i stand, i am saved by grace and now we turn to walk away from selfishness, the pride and hate and when pass through stoney ground we’ll gladly walk upon our knees.

So we thank you for saving our souls for you've shown us the truth in your word.

We will take up our cross, and follow you.

Now we live for the Glory of God.”


Thank you by giving you our lives

All praise and honor to Him who loves the most unworthy wretch and us his own. We, who are such unworthy beings, thank you by giving you our lives.

I will live my life for You

July 28, 2012

You are my Prince of Peace and I will live my life for You.

I will follow you. I will go with You.


“Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtle doves fills the air. The fig trees are forming young fruit, and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming. Rise up my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!

-SOS [Song of Solomon] Chp. 2:11-13

Lord, the winter is past and the rains are slowly ceasing. I will follow you. I will go with You. 

I want more of you

I want more of you. I never want my soul to stop longing for joy that is found in your name. I never want to forget the grace that is found at the foot of the cross. Help me to run for you, my father, comforter, and peace

-your daughter

May I go with a prayerful heart seeking your face


You were the word at the beginning and father you brought heaven down. My sin was great, your love was greater. I lift praises to you now.


   May I never cease to praise you. May I walk in your love and may I find peace in your promises. May I find strength in you to finish what you’ve placed in front of me. May I listen to the words you speak to me. May I be a vessel in your kingdom, willing to be used. May I walk humbly and with gratitude. May I go with a prayerful heart seeking your face, working in your name, claiming this world in the name of Jesus Christ.


From the love of God

Take this life in your hands

Take this life in your hands. Make it beautiful. I don’t know how to rely on you. I don’t know how to put faith in You. None of this makes sense to me. I need to live and know you love me. I need your forgiveness. I need to learn to forgive myself. I’m lost.

Please find me.

My heart is yours

You won’t relent until you have it all. 

My heart is yours.

You won’t relent until you have it all.

My heart is yours.


I’ll set you as a seal upon my heart.

As a seal upon my arm.


For there is love that is as strong as death

Jealousy demanding as the grave


Come be the fire inside

My heart.

We will not comply

With the saturation of the enemy in our lives, we will not comply.

Fill us with YOU God Your spirit, your son, & yourself. Change our hearts by your Grace

We pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God


I am ready to change lives and be your servant

Dear lover

I am ready to change lives and be your servant. Thank you so much for your guidance, love, and wisdom. I am ready to make a difference in Marion. Please show me who and how, I am waiting and listening. Direct and guide me with your love. Move and make my desires yours. Teach me to love, I don’t always know how, but I am ready to learn. You are awesome! My life would be nothing without you, this life is for you, please take it. I love you and praise your name 

Thanks Dad

Your servant :)


Rejoice! IN Him.


Again I say,


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Marion, IN 46953

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4201 S. Washington St.
Marion, IN 46953